Singapore Mass Rapid Transit
Millions of Commuters Stay Connected Everyday
Overview: Popular Rail System Seeks an Upgrade
Since 1987 Singapore Mass Rapid Transit (SMRT) has been transporting millions of passengers per year. In fact, just in the first 10 months of 2016 over 750 million travelers have used this railway system. The North-South and East-West lines (NSEWL) are the oldest, longest and most heavily traveled routes forming the backbone of Singapore’s transit system. However, a few years ago SMRT decided an upgrade was needed; therefore, a complex set of engineering projects were put in place to modernize the system from its 1987 beginnings. The renewal of the NSEWL is the largest modernization project on a “live” MRT system anywhere in the world. To serve travelers better, the updated and renewed rail system will allow SMRT to run more trains, increase passenger capacity and allow millions of commuters to stay connected everyday.
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